anti-wrinkle treatment

Say goodbye to wrinkles and rediscover your skin’s radiance with our advanced anti-wrinkle treatments at Millennium Aesthetics!

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Anti-Wrinkle treatments at Millennium Aesthetics

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and weaker – this results in the underlying muscles exerting a greater influence on the skin as they contract, causing wrinkles and an aged appearance to the skin. Over time these wrinkles become permanent fixtures in the skin.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a form of purified protein injected into various muscles resulting in temporary relaxation of the muscle and a smoother appearance of the skin.

Very fine needles are used with the injection and topical numbing cream can be applied beforehand to enhance comfort. Treatment gradually takes effect over 7-10 days.  Results typically last 3-4 months but can last upto 6 months in some people.

How does anti-wrinkle
treatment work?

Anti-wrinkle injections can help with a variety of anti-ageing issues such as:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Elevenses lines (lines between the eyebrows/glabella area)
  • Eyebrow lifting
  • Nose slimming & lifting
  • Under-eye lines
  • Eyelid lifting
  • Bunny/nose lines
  • Gummy smile
  • Lip lift / Lip flick / Lip flip
  • for teeth grinding/jaw tension/jaw slimming (often referred to as ‘Masseter Muscle Relaxing Injections’)
  • Barcode lines
  • Chin pebbling/orange peel appearance/chin wrinkling
  • Downturned corners of the mouth
  • Jowling
  • Neck bands
  • Hyperhidrosis/excessive sweating, e.g. armpits.

Wrinkle-relaxing injections are made from a purified protein. This works by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscles, preventing them from contracting. This helps to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. The three ‘classic areas’ for treatment are in the forehead (worry lines), around the eyes (crow’s feet), and between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) but there are many areas that can also be treated in order to give a softer, more approachable look.

The effects typically last between three to four months. Over time, the muscles gradually regain movement, and wrinkles may reappear, necessitating repeat treatments to maintain the desired results.  With regular, repeat visits patients often find the effects of their treatment lasts longer.

Common side effects include mild pain, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. Rare but more serious side effects can include drooping eyelids or eyebrows, which are usually temporary.

Minimal downtime is usually required. Most patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. However, it is advised to avoid strenuous exercise, lying down, or massaging the treated areas for at least four hours post-treatment to prevent the injected treatment from migrating to unintended areas.

The cost varies depending on the amount needed and the area being treated – prices start from £194 for one area.

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